Sunday 29 July 2012

Breaking the fast of the night

So I am still bit unwell, but as it was the weekend I fancied doing something and being productive after a boring week inside. On the plus side I also have five days of at the moment, as a friend was suppose to be coming to stay but due to unfortunate circumstances she couldn't come. With all my time of I have eaten out a bit this weekend:

Saturday night my flat mates and I went to Southern Cross bar for a few wines and some fries, the atmospheres amazing and the garden bar is always packed. Then Danielle and I went home and meet the guys to go out for some yum dessert at Espressoholics we had so much cake, I had Carrot cake with yoghurt, Danielle had chocolate brownie, Luke had chocolate Silk cake (Not the greatest to be honest) and Michael had berry cheese cake. In my experience Espressoholics on Cuba Street always make the most amazing food, has good portion size, and a great variety especially if your gluten free. They don't have the best service but the food out weighs that and they don't overly pester you which is quiet refreshing. I personally recommend sharing your food with others, you eat less, get to try more, and you get better satisfaction knowing what you picked was nicer haha.

Then on Sunday we decided to carry on with the couple theme and went out for breakfast (Michaels favourite meal of the day) at Enigma, and in one word it was amazing!! So much food the only downside is our poached eggs were a bit overcooked which I hate, but it is still easily one of my favourite places for brunch. After all the food we did (and needed to) a 16km walk to Pencarrow Lighthouse, now  I am feeling pretty tired and I am going to dig into my left overs from last night which was an interesting change I made Lamb and Lychee Red Thai Curry with long grain rice. There is something about Thai food I crave, and the sweet contrast gets my mouth watering every time. I followed no recipe and just based it of something I once had out in a Hamilton Restaurant after a Karate Grading.

Ingredients: (Serves 2 people)
1x can Lychee in syrup (Drain and keep a little syrup for flavour)
1x small can coconut milk
1/2 cup Chicken stock
2-3 Bok Choy (Dispose of outer leaves, cut inside leaves in half all of it is edible)
1 cup sliced beans
1/2 red onion (Cut into thin slices)
1/2 white onion (Cut into thin slices)
2 cloves garlic (Crushed)
1 tsp garlic basil paste
1-2 tsp red curry paste
4 button mushrooms (Cut into slices)
spring onion (for garnish)
200g lamb leg steaks trimmed (Cut into slices or chunks)

I heated the onions and garlic in a sauté pan, then added the curry paste and garlic paste and the lamb, cooking until the lamb began to colour on the outside only. I then added the mushrooms and beans to begin to cook. Transfer to a pot add lychee, coconut milk, chicken stock, and Bok Choy. Bring to the boil, check and adjust seasoning (add more curry paste for more spice, or more lychee syrup for sweeter) and then reduce to a simmer. Serve with a portion of rice and garnish with spring onion.

Variations: Chicken instead of Lamb, or Duck
Mixed veges like carrots instead of Beans
Pineapple instead of Lychee
vegetarian, using just vegetables and vegetarian stock
Leeks instead of Bok Choy

Asian dishes always taste great as left overs it is like the flavours infuse more over night, you could also freeze this for a later date. Try checking out Asian supermarkets for fresh herbs, bok choy, and spices I bought mine from one and they are really good priced!

bon appétit

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Chicken Noodle Soup for the soul

So this is my first post.. tonight I am not exactly feeling great its very cold and I feel under the weather.
Being a foodie at heart and a girl I realise that I am typically an emotional eater, I will eat based on how I am feeling, which again right now is crap and cold. This leaves me with one thing in mind a good homely winter meal, its just a matter of what kind...

I am currently doing look better naked (I am in my third week) through Les-mills and am also following an eating plan from a nutritionist, this means I have to stick to certain criteria when cooking, like no oil and go as far as to weigh out my protein weather it is chicken, or fish, or lean beef.  

On a side note, yes I am watching what I eat at the moment, because I have spent the past year or so eating Mc Donalds and buttery sugary food and drinks, just indulging in what ever tempted me. Apparently I can't do that now I am no longer a child, and yes I would love to know how Nigella Lawson does it too.

Since I studied Culinary arts and constantly watch my flat mates eat delicious looking food I can't just make plain boring food or I know my eyes as well as my stomach will feel unsatisfied, I am relying on inspiration from other people, recipes I already know (just making adjustments), and  my good old emotions.

So tonight I have decided I will stick to Mums traditionally recipe for making me feel better as a kid, and a great winter meal, chicken soup. I am going to make it healthy and modern however..

Ingredients:  Recipe for 4 portions (1 serving for me, 2 for my boyfriend (blokes need more energy) and 1 portion as left overs yum!)

Chicken: (100g per portion is considered healthy ) 400g skinless chicken breast cubed into chunks 
Onion                                     1- 2 medium onion
Celery                                     2-3 stems leaves included
Carrots                                    1 large or 2 medium (Peeled)
Mixed Veges                            1 cup (can be frozen kind, mushrooms, leek etc)
Liquid Chicken stock:               2 cups (Dilute with water enough to cover all vegetables and                                        chicken and noodles)
Low Calorie noodles:                I used Hakubaku Organic Ramen 1 1/2 portions or 140g
Herbs:                                      add almost any herbs, thyme is great and fresh is best or add a little coriander to make your soup more asian inspired. 

Method: Cut vegetables into MIREPOIX (rough bite size cuts), or you could have fun and cut shapes.

In a pot sauté the onions, and chicken (you do not want to colour the onions or chicken), then add the stock, water, vegetables with hardest first and any soft ones can be left out at first and the noodles. Wait for the stock to come to the boil and then lower the heat down to just simmer (slow bubbling). Check and adjust seasoning, adding salt as required.

The soup will take a different amount of time to cook based on the portion size but the chicken should be cooked and so should the noodles.  When cooked check the seasoning again and serve, have with yum rolls or bread if you want. 

Bon appetite.